Basic metrics for social networks

More than evident that Social Networks. A phase of total maturity everything must. Measur relationships and increasingly advanc. KPIs must  establish in Social Media. More and more professionals seek and provoke dialogue, conversation. Able to provide value. The oft-repeat  engagement  between the brand and the different audiences or clients. And where users and people seek to find useful information, which gives them a solution, an idea, solve a doubt, train and learn.

Without saying  social networks

A fundamental part of any digital marketing strategy worth its salt. Brands and professionals are aware that whether they are there or not, they will be talked about, but it is still surprising to find accounts and profiles that do not measure, do not analyse, do not have a dashboard where they can monitor data and more data that they can later analyse to draw conclusions. They do not have any measured KPIs and therefore have not worked on marketing KPIs.

Social Networks and in digital marketing are essential

Therefore, the objective of this post is to give you a mini guide with the first indicators or KPIs for Social Media to monitor; this should be the first step you should take to measure everything that happens in your Social Media strategy.

KPIs in Social Media

Just take a look at all the Social Networks, from Twitter to Instagram, or from LinkedIn to YouTube, to realize that there are many metrics that we could call “horizontal”, since conceptually they mean the same thing for all Social Networks.

Because they are “networks” that connect and “social” people, this leads to interconnection who follow people, people or brands that comment, people or brands that show that they like the content and publications… regardless of whether they are text, photos, videos, infographics, animations.

Relationships between people

are 4 main indicators that you should measure, because they will give you the daily “health” of your social profiles, they will help you to establish and fulfill a strategy, optimizing and correcting possible errors.

Here are the 4 main KPIs in social media:

1.- Total number of followers : this is an organic metric that will tell us how many people companies, a priori, consider our content and publications interesting.

This is an indicative indicator in the initial phase, since the important thing is not the quantity, but knowing the quality of the followers, that they are active and a real part of the community, that they share, comment, visit the links…

Afterwards, we will  to

the profiles of all our followers, in order to group them into lists, to know if we have influencers, if we have inactive profiles, if we have profiles that, although they have few followers, their comments are of quality… in short, to work on the community!!!!

2.- Total comments : we are of course referring to the comments made by our social community, and therefore to the real impact of our publications.

 Measurement will give us

The pulse, the liveliness of the profile, and therefore the conversion of everything launched and published, since a priori the greater the number of comments, the better the interaction. Although it will depend largely on the type of account and the marketing strategy set.

Must also assess whether the comments have been natural or not, and whether they are positive, negative or neutral, because not everything is worth it!!!!

Ultimately, social networks are made for interaction, because without interaction they would have no meaning.

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3.- Total number of favorites, likes

repins… is an indicator that all social networks have, as it is a way to show interaction without having to comment, quickly and easily; and that a priori highlights the content and shows how many people think like you.

We sincerely understand that it has less and less value because it is used indiscriminately without really making sense of it; but despite everything, it can be useful to us in the general context, to see the coherence of the community. That is, an account that has many “favorites” on a daily basis but no comments or content sharing would not make much sense…

It is a complementary indicator!

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In other words, of all the “own links” launched, how many visits have they generated on our site blog or e-commerce?

In this regard, it is important to be consistent with the marketing objectives to be pursued. If, for example, we use the social media profile as a customer service channel, generating traffic may not be a priority. But if the profile is highly oriented towards the profitability of an e-commerce business, we will certainly be interested in generating web traffic.


Start looking for profiles of people

brands that are online, that have a purpose, to build a network of value and quality. What is the point of all memberPress pricing questions answered here following a profile with 100,000 fans or followers, if it only talks about multi-level marketing and it is a topic that does not interest me at all?

We always use the same example:

Creat your network of contacts agb directory and friends in your “off” life? Well, do the same in the digital environment.


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