As can be seen in the image above

Inner Ring: The first stage is to establish in the center those channels that work best for your business, an example could be online advertising, content marketing and SEO positioning.

Second Ring

In the second ring we must establish those channels that are not the main ones, but that act as a lever with those inside and that could become prominent channels.
Outer Ring: Ring And finally, in the outer ring, those channels that are not yet within our reach or are not profitable for us, but that we must take into account for the future.
Once you’ve finalized your bullseye framework, you need to make sure that your business foundation is in the center of the ring . If it doesn’t align with the marketing channels that really work for your organization, you may need to go shareholder database back to the beginning and readjust your value proposition or the way you’re communicating it.


3. Get buy-in from the rest of the organization

As we mentioned at the beginning of the post, Growth Marketing is based on an integrated approach across the entire organization and marketing channels. That is why all departments must be part of it and work in unison to achieve this டிஜிட்டல் மார்க்கெட்டிங் ஏஜென்சியில் நீங்கள் காணக்கூடிய 10 மார்க்கெட்டிங் பாத்திரங்கள் growth objective. Generally speaking, the marketing team works most often with the sales, development, product and support teams, and communication is essential to get the most out of it.


For example

Sales and support staff are the ones who speak directly to our gambler data customers, so we must pay special attention to their feedback. In the case of product development teams, they are the ones who work on improvements and new features that will provoke positive or negative reactions in the customer, and we can count on them for the adjustments to the value proposition that we mentioned earlier.

This is why it is really necessary for all departments to be willing to collaborate and work together, so that the implementation of this type of methodology is a complete success.

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