The website audience is growing, managers spend a lot of time processing requests, but there are no more quality leads and sales? We will tell you how to improve the quality of requests by working with interested users at each stage of the sales funnel – in the instructions of the director of the Aktion Marketing project, expert Maxim Nakhabo.


How to achieve the best result in terms of application quality
Sales Funnel Stages
1. The probability of purchase is practically zero
2. You can already connect advertising (but without fanaticism)
3. The need for purchase does not need to be proven




The website audience is growing, managers spend a lot of time processing requests, but there are no more quality leads and sales? We will tell you how to improve the quality of requests by working with interested users at each stage of the sales funnel.

If you still use the methods of “aggressive” advertising : “Buy from us now, it will be too late later!”, then you have already noticed that in the last couple of years, an advertising campaign built on such mechanics has brought few sales.

How to achieve the best result in terms of application quality
The strategy mentioned throws a benefit at the potential buyer, entices them with a limited time offer, and aims for an immediate effect in the style of “came, saw, bought.”

This works great for a “hot” audience when you are competing with other suppliers of similar goods/services for an existing demand, but as soon as a “cold” lead gets such an option, you either miss out on the benefit: he could have bought the product or service at full price, or you waste your advertising budget: why pay for advertising to someone who doesn’t even have a need?

Moreover, advertising that puts too much pressure on the user can either scare away an “unwarmed up” client or even pass by as ordinary information noise.

To understand how to fix this, I will talk about the classification of potential buyers and the correct actions at each stage of the sales funnel.

Sales Funnel Stages
1. The probability of purchase is practically zero
There is no problem, just as there is no need for the service or product.
There is no awareness of the problem (but it already exists).
It became clear that things were not right and there was a desire to correct the situation.
Calculating high and fast conversion into sales for this (un)awareness group is useless. Conversion will not be zero, since there is always an element of spontaneity or error on the part of the buyer, but aggressive advertising at these stages gives too few sales, so the advertising budget with this approach will be wasted.